The Ultimate Guide to Scum’s Wildlife Hunting and Survival Tactics

The Ultimate Guide to Scum’s Wildlife Hunting and Survival Tactics

Listen up scum, this one's for you. You’ve been out in the wastelands for a while now, fighting off raiders and mutants, barely surviving on what little grub you can find. But what you really need is some real food - meat, to be exact. It’s time to become the hunter instead of the hunted. This is the guide that’ll turn you from scum to survival expert. You’re about to learn everything there is to know about hunting the dangerous wildlife that calls the wastelands home. From stalking giant mutated coyotes to taking down a legendary deathclaw, this is the knowledge that’ll fill your belly and turn you into a legend. The secrets of the scumhunters of old are yours now, so get ready to become the ultimate predator. The wastelands won’t know what hit ‘em! This is your all-access pass into the world of scum wildlife hunting and survival. Are you ready to begin your hunt?

Scum's Top 5 Wildlife Hunting Tips and Tricks

Scum's top hunters know these essential tips to catch their prey:

1. Study Your Target's Habits and Hideouts

Learn where your desired wildlife frequents and hides by scouting the area. Note details like feeding spots, watering holes, and trails. The more you know about their behavior, the better your chances of a successful hunt.

2. Camouflage Yourself and Move Stealthily

Blend into your surroundings by wearing earth-toned clothing and walking softly. Sudden movements or noises will scare off your target before you even have a chance to take aim. Patience and stealth are key.

3. Set Effective Traps and Baits

If hunting live prey proves difficult, traps and baits can work well. Position them along known wildlife paths or near feeding spots. Check them regularly and once triggered, swiftly and humanely dispatch the animal.

4. Aim Carefully for a Quick Kill

When the opportunity arises, take aim at vital organs for an ethical kill. The head or chest are optimal targets. Be extremely cautious to avoid only wounding the animal.

5. Field Dress and Transport Your Kill Properly

Quickly bleed and gut your kill to avoid spoilage. Remove entrails and rinse the body cavity with water. Transport the carcass as soon as possible while keeping it shaded and cooled. Handle with care to avoid contamination.

With practice, these techniques will become second nature. But never forget that respect for wildlife and ethical hunting practices should always come first. Happy hunting!

How to Track and Trap Small Game in the Wilderness

Once you've tracked your prey, it's time to trap it. Here are some tips for trapping small game in the wilderness:


Snares are simple but effective traps using wire or cord. Place snares along game trails, over holes or near bait. When the animal goes through the snare, it will tighten around their neck or foot. Check snares daily and remove any caught animals right away.


A deadfall uses a heavy object, like a rock or log, balanced so it will fall onto the prey. Bait the trap to lure the animal underneath, then trigger the object to drop. Deadfalls kill the prey quickly, so check them often.

Cage Traps

Cage traps are humane live traps that capture without harming. Bait the trap and place it along trails or near areas the animal frequents. Once trapped, release or dispatch the prey quickly. Cage traps allow you to catch and release if needed.

Baiting and Placement

Use bait like nuts, grains or berries to lure prey to your traps. Place traps near areas you've seen tracks, scat or other signs of activity. Put traps in areas hidden from view and avoid disturbances. The more time you spend scouting an area before trapping, the better your chances of success.

With the right trap and bait for your target, plus optimal placement, you'll be enjoying a hearty meal of small game in no time. But never forget, as a hunter, your responsibility is to kill quickly and humanely. Respect the animals that provide for you.

Essential Survival Skills for Living Off the Land

To survive in the wild, you'll need to master some essential skills. Knowing how to find and purify water, start a fire, build shelter, and hunt for food are key to staying alive until rescue arrives.

Finding Water

Locating a source of clean drinking water is critical. Look for moving water in streams or creeks, since stagnant water can breed bacteria. As a last resort, you can collect rainwater using large leaves. Purify any water by boiling it, using iodine or chlorine dioxide tablets, or distilling it.

Starting a Fire

Fire provides warmth, scares away predators, and allows you to cook food. Carry waterproof matches or a ferro rod fire starter. If those fail, try creating an ember using a bow drill - a stick and cord to spin a hardwood spindle into a softwood fireboard. Once you have an ember, gently blow on it until you have flames.

Building Shelter

You'll need protection from the elements. Look for natural shelters in rock overhangs, caves or dense forests. If none exist, construct a basic lean-to with branches and foliage, or build a debris hut by piling leaves, moss, ferns and branches over a frame of branches. Ensure any man-made shelter has adequate ventilation and insulation.

Hunting and Foraging

Look for insects, grubs, and small game for protein. Set snares or traps, or sharpen a stick to make a spear. Fish using a sharpened stick, or make a basic hook from wood or bone and line from natural fibers. Forage for edible plants, but be extremely cautious to avoid poisoning yourself. As a general rule, avoid plants with three leaves, milky sap, or an almond-like smell.

By mastering these survival skills, you'll stand the best chance of enduring in the wild until help arrives. Staying fed, hydrated, and sheltered will help ensure you make it out of the bush alive. With practice, these skills can become second nature.

Scum's Guide to Field Dressing Game and Cooking Wild Meat

Now that you’ve successfully hunted your game, it’s time to dress and prepare it. Field dressing involves removing the internal organs and skinning the animal as soon as possible after killing it. This helps the meat cool faster and prevents spoilage.

Field Dressing Steps

  1. Make a cut from the anus to breastbone to remove internal organs. Remove the heart, liver, and kidneys and set aside to eat later if desired.
  2. Remove the head, tail, and feet. Save the tail and feet for making stock if wanted.
  3. Skin the animal using a knife, starting from the incision you made. Peel the hide away from the body with your hands.
  4. Rinse the carcass with cold water to remove any dirt or debris. Pat dry with a cloth.
  5. Split the carcass in half lengthwise along the spine to allow for faster cooling if needed.
  6. Transport the carcass to your camp or vehicle and keep chilled until ready to cook.

Cooking Wild Meat

Some tips for cooking your wild game:

• Marinate the meat before cooking to improve flavor and tenderness. Acidic ingredients like wine, citrus juice or vinegar help break down tough fibers.

• Slow cooking methods like braising, stewing and barbecuing are best for most wild meats. They help make the meat more tender.

• Add moisture while cooking. Wild meat can be quite lean, so add broth, juice or a sauce while cooking.

• Season the meat generously. Wild game benefits from bold spices and herbs like rosemary, thyme, garlic and chili peppers.

• Mix in vegetables, grains and beans. These add nutrition, flavor and moisture to wild game dishes.

• Consider grinding some of the meat. Ground meat works well for burgers, sausages, meatballs and chili. Add pork fat for extra juiciness.

By properly dressing, preparing and cooking your wild game, you’ll be enjoying delicious and sustainable meals from nature in no time. Let your inner survivalist shine through!

Must-Have Gear for Successful Hunting Trips

To have a successful hunting trip, you'll need to pack the right gear. The essentials for any wildlife hunting expedition include:

A High-Powered Rifle

You'll want a rifle that can take down big game like deer, elk or bears. A bolt-action rifle in .30-06 or .308 caliber with a high-quality scope is ideal. Make sure you practice and sight-in your rifle before the hunt.

Hunting Knife

A sturdy hunting knife with a 4 to 6 inch blade is indispensable for field dressing game and cutting through bone and cartilage. Look for a full tang, fixed blade knife made of high carbon steel. A gut hook on the blade can also come in handy.

Hunting Clothing

Camouflage hunting clothing, gloves, and a face mask or paint help conceal you from your quarry. Choose camo in colors and patterns to match the environment. Also pack insulated undergarments, waterproof jacket and pants, hat, and rugged waterproof boots.

Other Useful Items

  • Binoculars: For scouting the area and spotting game at a distance.
  • Flashlight or headlamp: If hunting in low light conditions or field dressing game in the dark.
  • Compass and maps: In case you become lost or disoriented.
  • Fire starting tools: Waterproof matches, lighter, firestarter in case of emergencies.
  • First aid kit: For treating injuries in the field.
  • Camp chair: For long sits in a hunting blind.
  • Trail markers: To mark your path in and out.

With the proper equipment and some practice, you'll be ready for a successful big game hunting adventure. But remember, in the end, it comes down to luck. The wild animals are in their element, and whether you are able to spot your target depends on being in the right place at the right time. So do your scouting, set up in a prime location, stay alert and hopefully the odds will be in your favor!


You now have all the knowledge and skills you need to become an expert wildlife hunter and survivalist in Scum. Don’t forget to practice your stealth, choose the right weapon for your target, aim carefully, and utilize every part of your kill. Stay vigilant as you explore the island, watch out for infected animals and other players who may try to catch you off guard. If you do get injured, use the natural resources around you to craft bandages and medicines to heal yourself. You have the tools and instincts within you, now get out there and hunt, survive, and thrive on the island of SCUM! The wilderness is calling you. BlackBox are a great Scum server host.